Committed to transforming agents into top producers

At A.Z. & Associates we're not just a brokerage—we're a coaching and consulting powerhouse dedicated to developing your skills in marketing, sales, systems, and leadership. 
complete The application to set up your vision quest meeting. 

Set up your vision quest meeting.

A Vision Quest Meeting is a pivotal 1on1 interview between you and a member of our Leadership Staff. The meeting is designed to determine if an agent's professional goals and aspirations are in alignment with the  unique environment and methodologies of A.Z. & Associates. The first step is to complete the application below to set up your interview. 

Step 1

The agent interested in joining A.Z. & Associates begins by reviewing the brokerage’s website and social media presence to ensure alignment with their own values and business goals. The agent completes the Vision Quest form, providing details about their strengths, business practices, and areas where they seek improvement.

Step 2

 A.Z. & Associates leadership team reviews the agent’s application to understand their background and objectives. Contact with the agent is made and a One-On-One interview is set.

Step 3

One-on-One Interview
During the meeting, the agent meets directly with a member of the A.Z. & Associates leadership team. This session focuses on discussing the agent's current business status, strengths, areas for growth, and how A.Z. & Associates can provide support.

Step 4

Assessment and Alignment
The meeting helps both parties determine if there is a mutual fit. The leadership team assesses if the agent's professional goals align with A.Z. & Associates’ mission and resources, while the agent evaluates if the brokerage’s environment and support systems match their needs.

Step 5

Next Steps
If there is a mutual agreement, the meeting concludes with a plan for onboarding and integrating the agent into A.Z. & Associates, ensuring they have the necessary tools and support to thrive.
Copyright A.Z. & Associates 2023.