Phoenix Area Real Estate Agents: 

Avoid Burnout & Maximize Profits

Join the only Brokerage committed to Transforming Your Business into a Predictable and Highly Profitable Venture. 
The #1 Real Estate Firm For 
Agents TO LEAD
A.Z. & Associates Creates More Top Producers Than Anyone Else.

How Can 
A.Z. & Associates 
Help Build Your
Don’t settle for average. A.Z. & Associates is the contradiction to the one-size-fits-all approach of Flat Fee, MLM (Multi-Level Marketing Brokerages), and Franchise Brokerages. We offer:
1. A Proven Path to Success:
Learn from a brokerage that has mastered the art of creating Top Producers. We focus on what matters most—helping more buyers buy and sellers sell.
2. Beyond the Transaction:
We empower agents to master everything from social media branding to generating leads and closing deals, ensuring success in any market.
3. Market Mastery:
Our system eliminates the need for cold calling, door knocking, or buying leads, allowing clients to come to you.
4. No Scripts, Just Strategy:
Build confidence and clarity. Unsure about what or when to post? We'll show you exactly what to do and how to do it.
5. Tailored Coaching Programs:
Whether you're a new agent or a top producer, our Do The Work® coaching programs are designed to elevate your skills in marketing, converting, and sales.

Support for Team Leaders
Work directly with the Founder of A.Z. & Associates. This is an opportunity to learn from someone who's been in your shoes and has navigated the path to success. Growing a team of only 2 to a brokerage of over 250+ agents and 20,000 homes sold.
1. Maximize Profitability:
Structure your team with a proven model to ensure maximum profitability. Including how to set up your organizational chart. 
2. Strategic Team Hiring:
Know precisely what staff to hire and when, building a solid foundation for your team's sustained growth and profitability.
3. ​Train, Retain, and Recruit More Agents:
Master the art of training your agents, retaining top talent, and recruiting new stars to fuel your team's expansion.
4. ​Team Onboarding:
Ensure new agents hit the ground running with an onboarding process that integrates them seamlessly into your team.

How Do We
Choosing A.Z. & Associates means partnering with a brokerage committed to your success. Here is how we stand above the rest:

A.Z. & Associates vs. 
Flat Fee Brokerages:

Understand the value of comprehensive training vs the transactional approach of flat fee models.

A.Z. & Associates vs. 
Multi Level Marketing Brokerages:

Learn why our focus on YOUR individual success is superior to the downline distractions of MLM models. 

A.Z. & Associates vs. 
Local Franchises:

See how our personalized approach and flexibility outperform the rigid, one-size-fits-all boxed franchise structures.
How Can 
A.Z. & Associates 
Help Build Your
Don’t settle for average. A.Z. & Associates rejects the one-size-fits-all approach of flat fee, MLM, and franchise brokerages. We offer:
1. A Proven Path to Success:
Learn from a brokerage that has mastered the art of creating Top Producers. We focus on what matters most—helping more buyers buy and sellers sell.
2. Beyond the Transaction:
We empower agents to master everything from social media branding to generating leads and closing deals, ensuring success in any market. 
3. Market Mastery:
Our system eliminates the need for cold calling, door knocking, or buying leads, allowing clients to come to you.
4. No Scripts, Just Strategy:
Build confidence and clarity with your unique market message. Unsure about what or when to post? We'll show you exactly what to do and how to do it.
5. Tailored Coaching Programs:
Whether you're a new agent or a top producer, our Do The Work® coaching programs are designed to elevate your skills in marketing, converting, and sales.
Support for Team Leaders.
Work directly with the Founder of A.Z. & Associates. This is an opportunity to learn from someone who's been in your shoes and has navigated the path to success. Growing a team of only 2 to a brokerage of over 250+ agents and 20,000 homes sold.
1. Maximize Profitability:
Structure your team with a proven model to ensure maximum profitability. Including how to set up your organizational chart. 
2. Strategic Team Hiring:
Know precisely what staff to hire and when, building a solid foundation for your team's sustained growth and profitability.
3. ​Train, Retain, and Recruit More Agents:
Master the art of training your agents, retaining top talent, and recruiting new stars to fuel your team's expansion.
4. ​Team Onboarding:
Ensure new agents hit the ground running with an onboarding process that integrates them seamlessly into your team.
How Do We
Choosing A.Z. & Associates means partnering with a brokerage committed to your success. Discover how we stand above the rest by exploring our detailed comparisons:

A.Z. & Associates vs. 
Flat Fee Brokerages:

Understand the value of comprehensive support over the simplistic, transactional approach of flat fee models.

A.Z. & Associates vs. 
MLM-Style Brokerages:

Learn why our focus on your individual success is superior to the downline distractions of MLM models. 

A.Z. & Associates vs. 
Local Franchises:

See how our personalized approach and flexibility outperform the rigid, one-size-fits-all boxed franchise structures.
Is Real
Feelings of boredom and burnout are all too common. The more you work, the less it seems you achieve. You're starting to dread your job. The days drag on and the work feels pointless. Something must change!

Have you ever considered that these feelings might just be the surface of a far greater issue? Review the 5 Critical Challenges below and let's find out...


Critical Challenges

of Real Estate Agents

Here are 5 critical challenges you might be experiencing right now in your real estate career, which may be the root cause of why you feel stuck or unfulfilled.

1. Burnout and Boredom

The discontent of your business and lack of interest in your daily lead generating activities are all too common. You feel the burdens of:

  • Lack of Motivation: There's little motivation to market yourself, follow up on leads, or even return calls. You lost the passion that once drove you.
  • Monotonous Routine: The constant stress and pressure of chasing clients is draining and makes your goals feel further away.
  • Overwhelmed & Unappreciated: You often feel unappreciated by your clients and overwhelmed by comparing yourself to other agents.

1. Burnout and Boredom

The discontent of your business and lack of interest in your daily lead generating activities are all too common. You feel the burdens of:

  • Lack of Motivation: There's little motivation to market yourself, follow up on leads, or even return calls. You lost the passion that once drove you.
  • Monotonous Routine: The constant stress and pressure of chasing clients is draining and makes your goals feel further away.
  • Overwhelmed & Unappreciated: You often feel unappreciated by your clients and overwhelmed by comparing yourself to other agents.

2. Unpredictable Income

The instability of your business causes significant stress and uncertainty about your future. You feel the pressure of:

  • Constant Market Shifts: Just when you think you've got things under control, the market shifts again, introducing even bigger challenges.
  • Stress and Exhaustion: This continuous uncertainty can be exhausting and stressful, complicating your ability to plan for the future and meet monthly financial commitments.
  • Scarcity Mindset: You're often in a scarcity mindset babysitting every lead and escrow nervous that they may fall out. Your focus is purely on saving money than generating it.

2. Unpredictable Income

The instability of your business causes significant stress and uncertainty about your future. You feel the pressure of:

  • Constant Market Shifts: Just when you think you've got things under control, the market shifts again, introducing even bigger challenges.
  • Stress and Exhaustion: This continuous uncertainty can be exhausting and stressful, complicating your ability to plan for the future and meet monthly financial commitments.
  • Scarcity Mindset: You're often in a scarcity mindset babysitting every lead and escrow nervous that they may fall out. Your focus is purely on saving money than generating it.

3. Social Media Struggles

You struggle to see the benefits of social media marketing despite recognizing its importance. You've attempted: 

  • Copy Paste Approach: Even after attending numerous social media trainings and copying competitors' posts, you're still not seeing results.
  • Communication Challenges: You struggle with what to post and when, and the anxiety of going public is overwhelming.
  • ​Dealing with Feedback: When you finally muster up the courage to post, any feedback can seem critical, leaving you embarrassed and doubting your efforts.

3. Social Media Struggles

You struggle to see the benefits of social media marketing despite recognizing its importance. You've attempted: 

  • Copy Paste Approach: Even after attending numerous social media trainings and copying competitors' posts, you're still not seeing results.
  • Communication Challenges: You struggle with what to post and when, and the anxiety of going public is overwhelming.
  • ​Dealing with Feedback: When you finally muster up the courage to post, any feedback can seem critical, leaving you embarrassed and doubting your efforts.

4. Weak Training, Leadership, & Support

You want to build a real business, but instead, you were misled into the promise of what others can do for you. You remain skeptical that anything different exists because:

  • Initial Attraction: You joined your brokerage attracted by low fees,  MLM benefits, or its national name, believing this was the right path to build somthing great. Only to be disappointed by the reality of it all. 
  • Feeling Directionless: It feels like you're navigating your career without direction, with no one qualified to lead you effectively, underlined by the unfulfilled promises of others.
  • Feeling Disenfranchised: The emphasis on “saving money”, the allure of a franchise name, or the focus on recruiting vs selling has left you feeling isolated and disconnected.

4. Weak Training, Leadership, & Support

You want to build a real business, but instead, you were misled into the promise of what others can do for you. You remain skeptical that anything different exists because:

  • Initial Attraction: You joined your brokerage attracted by low fees,  MLM benefits, or its national name, believing this was the right path to build somthing great. Only to be disappointed by the reality of it all. 
  • Feeling Directionless: It feels like you're navigating your career without direction, with no one qualified to lead you effectively, underlined by the unfulfilled promises of others.
  • Feeling Disenfranchised: The emphasis on “saving money”, the allure of a franchise name, or the focus on recruiting vs selling has left you feeling isolated and disconnected.

5. Poor Quality Of Life

Balancing work and home life has become increasingly difficult. You’re experiencing:

  • Home Tensions:  Unpredictable income creates stress and impatience at home, leading to arguments and feelings of guilt, shame, and resentment.
  • ​Shifting Focus: When business finally begins to picks up, you try to focus more on family, but this shift often hurts your business, creating a frustrating cycle of lose-lose situations that drains your motivation and leaves you feeling stuck.
  •  Damaging Relationships: This constant cycle not only harms your personal relationships but also reduces your overall quality of life.

5. Poor Quality Of Life

Balancing work and home life has become increasingly difficult. You’re experiencing:

  • Home Tensions:  Unpredictable income creates stress and impatience at home, leading to arguments and feelings of guilt, shame, and resentment.
  • ​Shifting Focus: When business finally begins to picks up, you try to focus more on family, but this shift often hurts your business, creating a frustrating cycle of lose-lose situations that drains your motivation and leaves you feeling stuck.
  •  Damaging Relationships: This constant cycle not only harms your personal relationships but also reduces your overall quality of life.
Now that you've identified the issues— how do you start building a real business?
Powered By Do The Work®      
Powered By Do The Work®      

A.Z. & Associates is undoubtedly, The Top Training Program For Real Estate Agents In The Nation.

  • Top 1% brokerage in the State of Arizona.
  • ​Over 20,000+ homes sold
  • 250+ licensed agents
  • ​Top Sales/Agent Ratio in Phoenix Metro Market

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Here's what our agents have to say.
"If you are sitting on the fence about joining A.Z. & Associates, look at our top producers; most of them have been in real estate for 5 years or less. That was only made possible by the training and structure that A.Z. and Carla provide."

Rio Vidrio

$30M+ Producer
"The Environment here is a game changer… Its helps fuel me and others to grow; and I try to put back into it as much fire as it has put in me."

Rudy Flores

$28M+ Producer
"Environment & Training is Everything. I joined a skills training With A.Z. in the last quarter it completely changed the trajectory of my business."

Hillary Key

$13M+ Producer
"This is the best decision I have made in my life, not only for my business, but my body, my family, my relationships, and my physical fitness. If your are looking to change it all, come here... I would not be the person iI am today, the business man I am today, the family man I am today, had I not come here to A.Z. & Associates."

Frank Martin Jr.

$8M+ Producer
"I did the "12 Week Targets" coaching and added twice as much to my plate. As a result I ended up with a better relationship with my wife, in better physical shape, I was calmer, and I was making more money... It's Badass!"

Craig Morton

$27M+ Producer
"I Think that this is the best Brokerage I've ever been too. New agents are going to be able to come in here and learn what they need to with out any experience... This is taking you to the next level for sure."

Caroline Kovacs

$11M+ Producer
"This is the Place to be. It's not always about real estate, but if you come here they will show you how to balance your life for the better. That's what they preach, that's what they teach, its a way of life. Come here if you are looking to grow all the way around."

Patrick Foster

$5M+ Producer
A.Z. & Associates is the only brokerage that is primarily focused on the development of its agents. A.Z. & Associates hires, trains, and develops licensed agents to market, promote, negotiate, and fulfill on their commitments to their clients. A.Z. & Associates is an elite Mindset, Skill Set, and Leadership training brokerage. 

Join The Brokerage that "the Work" Built

Copyright A.Z. & Associates 2023.